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DDP awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification

Showing our commitment to excellence

DDP has just been recertified for ISO 9001:2015. DDP’s main goal as a business is to keep our customers happy. To do that, DDP has built a Quality Management System (QMS) that stores all our processes and procedures in one central location. All staff have access to these and they are updated regularly according to the ISO standard. Now you might be thinking, “what is ISO?” Great question. The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) published an independent set of internationally agreed standards adopted by experts and companies the world over. ISO is considered to be the finest practice for the blueprint of doing anything in the best possible way. The standards have been distilled by subject matter experts, manufacturers and regulators alike. In the valuation arena, many of our customers request ISO 9001:2015 and other ISO standard certifications.
“DDP’s ISO 9001:2015 certification will provide our banking- and other clients the assurance that DDP is operating according to externally audited and verified standards.” Tracy Sage – Quality Control Manager

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One of the greatest benefits of ISO is a strong customer focus. With this certification having a quality focus – DDP is dedicated to strengthening ties with our customers and continuous improvement so that they will keep coming back for consistently great service.

Would you like to know more? Email DDP at info@ddp.co.za.