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Smart farming starts with a Valuation

Written by: Mandisa Ndlovu

A farm valuation refers to the process of determining the economic value of agricultural land or a farm. This type of valuation requires specialised expertise and know-how due to its financial and regulatory needs. It is vital to acquire an independent valuation, especially for legal reasons such as securing financing and insurance claims, as it gives an unbiased and accurate assessment of the property’s value and assures that the valuation is not affected by any interested party.  

Agricultural financing is a vital component of any farming operation. It’s crucial to acquire an accurate assessment of your farm as you can use this valuation to estimate your borrowing capacity, the conditions of the loan, and the interest rate. A proper valuation of your farm can also assist you in making decisions concerning the future sale or refinancing of your farm.

With an agricultural valuation, the potential for income generation on your farm can also be better understood. This information can assist you in finding ways to boost productivity, efficiency, and profitability. An accurate estimate of your farm can aid in making decisions regarding future investments, such as purchasing new machinery or growing your business.

Farm owners often exaggerate or undervalue the worth of their farms, which could result in them requesting too much or too little financing. To ensure that the loan amount is acceptable for the worth of the farm, lenders frequently demand a valuation. The possibility of getting approved for financial aid is higher when you can convince the lenders that you have enough understanding of the worth and potential of your farm.

Agricultural properties can appreciate or depreciate over time due to factors such as market demand, soil quality, and climate change. This is where a revaluation comes in useful as it guarantees the agricultural business’s financial statement appropriately reflects the actual worth of the property. To ensure a precise appraisal, farmers should constantly update their valuations.